About Abba House

We Are a Long-term Residential Program
Abba House is an intensive recovery program for serious applicants who want to transform their lives. We work with the Department of Family and Children Services to guide a mother through her case plan and reach her objectives. We allow visitation after a mother has been with us for 30 days. We will develop a transition plan to help reunify mothers with children after the mother has shown significant progress in her recovery. We work with probation to help satisfy conditions of court mandated individuals. We will provide transportation to and from court. We do screen clients to ensure that they are not a risk to the women or children in the program. We do not accept sexual offenders or violent charges.
Abba House is not for everyone as we are a long-term residential program that restricts a person’s access to the things that they used to use to numb their pain or self-medicate. We restrict unhealthy relationships, limit caffeine and sugar consumption as well as subtle yet powerful outside influences such as social media, secular music, and mainstream news and television. There is no smoking, and mental health medications are not allowed. We are not equipped to care for residents who have chronic or severe health issues as we are not a medical facility.
We are a faith-based Christian discipleship program, and we focus on the core heart issues that can cause a person to act selfish, prideful, co-dependent, manipulative, self-destructive, have a victim mentality, and other relational and self-destructive patterns.
*Please note that we require a mother enter treatment for 4 months before we begin transitioning her children to live on property with her. If you are seeking treatment then it is necessary for you to find someone to care for your children until that time.

Children’s Program
As a mother enters the second phase (around the fourth month), leadership works with the student and the caretaker of her children to decide when the mother is ready to transition her children to live with her at Abba House.
There are two main goals in bringing the children; the mother must apply what she has learned about parenting and the child must receive healing for past hurts.
Many of the women at Abba House are trying to learn to be a godly mother for the first time, and it is almost impossible to learn to parent without a coach.
At Abba House we provide people who have a heart to help the mom be established as a successful parent and who have a heart to see the children flourish. We provide a variety of parenting classes while a woman is a resident of our program regardless of if she already has children of her own.
Family Recovery
We desire to help the whole family heal since the issues the addicted face are often deeply ingrained in the family system.
Each Sunday we hold a Family Group session that immediate family members can attend. During Family Group sessions, families can learn how to communicate better and talk about issues that need to be discussed. This can be a perfect time to seek and give forgiveness. It is difficult to face personal shortcomings but confessing them sets an example and encourages everyone to talk about their own struggles.

Life Skills Program at Abba House
While addiction and mental health issues are serious and often life-threatening, they are not the only impediments to a successful life that women graduating from Abba House face. We are a therapeutic community and have set a goal of ensuring that every woman at Abba House is made completely functional in every area of her life. In keeping with this focus the title of our core curriculum is “Being Made Whole.”
The Life Skills Program at Abba House presently consists of:
Marriage preparation and enrichment, peer and staff accountability for parenting application, family recovery, peer-to-peer interpersonal development. During a woman’s program, she creates a bond with her peers that last a lifetime and provides a support system after graduation.
EFNEP Training and certification from local Georgia Universities and Tech schools, Dental assistant training program through partnerships, and Abba House Ministry Training Program. (If you know anyone or are someone who would like to partner to increase vocational training opportunities, please email admin@abbahouse.com).
Daily devotional time, weekly prayer group, bible studies, and weekly church attendance. Elijah House and Transformation Prayer Ministry are utilized throughout the course of a woman’s program. Celebrate Recovery and One Way meetings are attended weekly.
Abba House has basic Math and English classes and GED prep classes that are taught weekly. This is to help the student prepare for the final phases of her program. Students who do not have a high school diploma will be prepared to obtain their GED before graduation and then choose a vocation.
Physical Fitness
Exercise twice a day & practicing a healthy lifestyle as well as healthy eating habits. Sugar and caffeine consumption are limited.
Each student will have a variety of leadership positions like House mom, Thrift Store Assistant Manager, and Thrift Store Department Leader. We help women develop their leadership potential and find confidence within themselves.
Contact Abba House
(478) 218-0043 Ext. 6210
2089 US Hwy 41S
Perry, GA, 31069
Business Hours
Our operating hours are Monday through Saturday from 9:30 am to 5 pm.
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